Do you need braces, but are putting it off just because you don’t want the hassle, awkwardness, or pain? The solution: Invisalign. Invisalign can help you achieve the smile of your dream while avoiding the pain and hassle of traditional braces. Your Plano, TX dentist can provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision about your orthodontic care. Invisalign has many great advantages over traditional braces, but let’s just talk about the top three:
- They are invisible. Of course, that’s why they’re called Invisalign! With Invisalign, your friends or colleagues will never even know you are wearing your aligners (unless you tell them, of course)!
Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligner trays that are changed out every two weeks for optimum alignment. These clear plastic trays are near impossible to see, since they are not made of bulky metal wires and brackets like traditional braces. You won’t have “metal mouth†– you can wear them to work or school without fear of looking or feeling awkward.
- They are removable. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed! Every day actions like eating and brushing and flossing your teeth require that you remove the aligners. This means you can eat whatever you want! No more worrying about something getting stuck in your braces. You can have any kind of sticky snack you desire – all you have to do is remove your aligners first!
It also makes it easy to keep your teeth clean. Traditional braces require you to brush and floss around the brackets and wires – and it’s not always easy to reach all of the nooks and crannies. When you use Invisalign, the aligners are simply removed for brushing and flossing just like normal.
The aligners can also be removed for special occasions. If you have a special event or date coming up, and you just don’t want to worry about your aligners, just pop them out for the night. With Invisalign, the trays are never in your way.
Of course, the most often you wear your aligners, the quicker they will work to align your teeth! So don’t take them out too often!
- They are pain-free. Did I mention that Invisalign is metal wire and bracket free? Think have a mouth full of metal would be uncomfortable? Is it! With Invisalign, all you have in your mouth are smooth, clear plastic aligners that provide ultimate comfort. That means no rubbing, cutting, or poking on the inside of your cheeks or lips.
It also means there are no wires roughly yanking your teeth into place, only smooth aligners that gently push your teeth into position. You wear your aligner for two weeks – until it does its job – then switch to a new aligner. All you will feel is a gentle pressure when you change your aligners – none of the painful tugging of a brand new wire like with traditional braces. You won’t ever be in pain – when you use Invisalign, the most you will ever feel is just a little bit of pressure.
As you can see, there are a lot of great things about using Invisalign. However, this solution may not be for you. If you have severely crooked teeth, or other major orthodontic problems, Invisalign may not be the best solution for your circumstance. But if you have a mildly misaligned smile and want an invisible, comfortable, and convenient option, Invisalign may be your solution.
Choosing the best option for your orthodontic treatment is a big decision. We want to help you. Call our office today at [phone_number] or visit our contact page to schedule an appointment. Let’s talk about all of your options for orthodontic care, and make the decision that is right for you.