Happy Halloween! Whether you are preparing to walk a little one around the neighborhood or just sit by the door waiting for visitors, Halloween is a fun evening for all! Of course, it is also a dangerous evening for those little smiles, but there are ways you can make it a little bit easier for the little ones! Here are a few tips to keep Halloween teeth as safe as possible.
Drink Plenty of Water -As you’re walking the neighborhood and maybe enjoying a candy or two, be sure that you and your kids are drinking plenty of water. The water will help rinse your teeth and produce saliva to fight bacteria that cause decay.
Avoid Too Much Sticky -All things in moderation is a good rule. Limit your child’s candy intake, especially when it comes to candies that are chewy and sticky.
Brush and Floss at the End of the Night -Once you’re home and your little one has changed back into a sleepy child, be sure to help him or her brush and floss really well to remove the last remains of candy particles from their teeth.
Halloween should be a fun night for all! With these few tips, you can protect your child’s teeth and really enjoy the evening. Contact us for more tips to keep Halloween smile safe, and have a wonderful time trick-or-treating tonight!