Great family dentists are difficult to come by in Plano, TX. There are lots of us out there, but in order to find the right doc for your family, there are many things to consider.
You want to find a dentist who is highly skilled and qualified to take care of your kids’ smiles. You’ll also want someone that you can see for your own teeth! You want an office that is comfortable, fun, and a great place for your kids to learn the ropes of great oral care.
Your family needs Plano Smile Studios. We begin with chubby baby smiles and work out way up to patients who are saying goodbye to their natural teeth. We can see every member of your family, and we’d like to start soon!
Let’s spend some time today talking about the importance of getting your kids off to a solid start for oral health. After all, we know that a great adult smile begins as soon as those baby teeth appear.
Getting a Great Start
Your baby’s teeth are extremely important! Those sharp little bits are the placeholders for adult teeth, so it is important that you begin great dental health NOW, just as they’re beginning to grow! It won’t be long before that baby turns into a toddler who is wanting to do things on his own!
Have you heard a toddler say, “I do it MYSELF!†yet? Don’t worry, it’s coming soon!
Keeping Teeth Clean
The first priority is to keep those teeth clean. Whether a baby, toddler, or teenager, keeping teeth clean is very important so that decay and infection are prevented. It’s easy for the baby because you can simply wipe down those gums and teeth with a cloth during bathtime. It gets more difficult as your child ages and wants control.
Teaching the Process
The best thing you can do is teach the process from an early age. Help your child learn to hold the brush, move floss through teeth, and cover all the surfaces of his mouth. The sooner your little one learns these tasks, the more confident you can be that the knowledge and habit will last a lifetime!
Maintain Routine
As your children age, maintaining a routine becomes more and more difficult. You have many more things on your plate than you used to! All of a sudden, you aren’t just managing your own schedule, but you are also managing practices, events, lessons, playdates, and whatever else comes up!
Create a Schedule
A household routine schedule is a great idea! Just as your kids need to know the expectations of rules in your home, they also need to know the expectation of routine. Your family needs time set aside for dental care or it just won’t happen! Create a schedule that works for your family, and adjust it as needed!
Get the Kids Involved
If you want your kids to follow the routine and schedule, you should let them be a part of the decision making process! Not only will this ensure that your kids are on board for the plan, but it will also help them make their own schedules in the future! Ask them where they need time, and let them drive things!
Treatment That Works
Ultimately, your family needs dental treatment that WORKS. You need an office you can trust to give you great care because you never know what is going to come around the bend next! We benefit our patients by doing two things. First, we know your kids and their teeth! Second, we help your child become an advocate for his own smile.
Knowing Your Kids’ Teeth
Bring your kids in for dental appointments early and often. Those teeth change a LOT every six months, and we need to see those changes happening! Your kids will benefit the most because we will know their smiles inside and out! We will be able to spot a problem sooner and get help to that smile faster.
Making Your Child an Advocate
As your child grows in our office, you will notice a level of comfort and trust between your child and our office staff. It comes from knowing a place really well. Over time, you will stop asking the questions, and your child will begin. During an appointment, we will ask the patient for information so that even young patients learn to become an advocate for themselves. They learn what to look for and how to respond to a caring health professional.
Finding great family dental care is about more than just taking care of those special smiles. Almost anyone can do that, but it takes a special office to build trusting relationships with kids, and that’s what we try to do every day.
Contact us soon to set up an appointment for yourself or your kids. We can’t wait to get to know your family and help you make great decisions for your family’s oral health!