Is Healthy Eating Hurting Your Teeth?
We all should want to lead healthy lifestyles. Looking great and feeling great helps you get so much more out of life. But sometimes in an effort to be healthier, you might do something that actually damages your health. For instance, running is great exercise, but it’s hard on your knees. Lifting weights builds strength, […]
Five Halitosis-Busting Tricks
We all have moments of bad breath; that is completely normal. However, some patients spend most of their days fighting bad breath with every kind of product they can think of. Halitosis, which is another word for chronic bad breath, is often caused by bacteria in your mouth. If that sounds like you, you might […]
Whiter Teeth, In Time for the Holidays
Greetings Plano! Welcome back to the ongoing dental health blog of the Plano Smile Studio in Plano, TX. In today’s post of our dental health blog, we want to talk about something near and dear to your teeth: professional teeth whitening. If you make an appointment now, we can probably make an appointment for you […]
A Reliable Restoration for Any Smile
Restoring a damaged or missing tooth is an essential part of having the smile of your dreams. Whether the restoration is big or small, that restoration will end the spread of decay and infection. It will provide you with a way to keep your smile healthy and strong for years to come. After all, that […]
Find the Right Cosmetic Solution for YOUR Smile
Cosmetic dentistry is very important to many of the residents here in Plano, TX. We see patients each and every day who want to make changes to their appearance by altering their smiles from something that they hate into something they can’t wait to show off! What about you? Are you perfectly happy with your […]
Gum Disease: It’s About More Than Your Teeth
When you see a dentist on a regular basis, you hear a lot of information, advice, and requests for you to care for your teeth in the best way possible. We talk about it a lot here at Plano Smile Studio. We know our patients are trying their best, and we appreciate that effort. We […]
How To Straighten Your Teeth Comfortably
You have a problem with your teeth. Maybe your teeth are crooked. Maybe you have gaps between your teeth. Maybe your teeth are crowded together. Maybe you have an underbite, an overbite, or a crossbite. Whatever your issue, you want it fixed. You want your teeth to be straight because you know that will improve […]
Chew Turkey Again with Restorative Dentistry
Greetings Plano! Welcome back to the ongoing dental health blog of the Plano Smile Studio. Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching; have you started your preparations yet? Take a minute to envision what your dinner table will look like on that special Thursday afternoon. In all likelihood, your table will be filled to the brim with delicious […]
Could Your Dental Care Be Like A Dream?
Are You Have a Hard Time Chewing Halloween Candy?
What’s your favorite type of Halloween candy? Perhaps you enjoy a Charleston Chew or a bag of Reese’s Pieces? Whatever type of candy you love- one thing is certain: it can be hard to enjoy your candy when you have a hard time chewing it. If you’re having a hard time chewing, we have solutions […]